Fields of Faith ~ South Florida
Fields of Faith (FOF) is a peer-to-peer movement where thousands of students from across the nation gather to share stories and challenge each other to read the Bible and live for Christ.
It's an opportunity for students to stand together, share their faith, and change the culture!
This is an interdenominational event for anyone who is Christ-centered and Bible-based!
We're bringing unity to the community by partnering with First Priority and Miami Youth For Christ! We know we are better together and there's strength in numbers! Your partnership will further propel the spiritual impact.
We're gonna leave it all on the field!!!!!
Thanks for letting us know you'll be there. Now invite a friend, or two! Follow us at South Florida FCA.
Click the image to read our Frequently Asked Questions page. If you have a question that wasn't addressed or need more info, contact Tresha at
Lets goooo!
South Florida FCA
PO Box 140594
Coral Gables, FL 33114